Alepia 有機(埃及)黑種草籽油 | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
黑種草籽油的不飽和脂肪酸和必須脂肪酸的含量異常豐富,這使得它很勝任“肌膚食物”的名號;它能滋養,撫慰,柔軟干燥皮膚,改善濕疹,銀屑病,皮炎和痤瘡。這種油絕對是 ...
Alepia Nigella Oil is a natural organic oil derived from Nigella seeds. It is produced using a cold-pressing method to maximize its effectiveness, making it a beneficial addition to your skincare routine. Packed with essential nutrients and healthy fats, this oil provides numerous advantages for your skin.
With its soothing and rejuvenating properties, Alepia Nigella Oil enriches and revitalizes your skin, making it particularly suitable for dry and sensitive skin types. It helps heal skin wounds, especially in dry areas, and promotes a healthier and more radiant complexion. Additionally, this versatile oil can also be used to support hair growth, adding to its versatility.
To experience the full benefits of Alepia Nigella Oil, follow these simple steps. Begin by cleansing your face with a gentle soap to prepare your skin. Warm a small amount of oil between your palms and gently apply it to your face using your ...
千年靈丹妙藥有機藥草黑種草仔治百病的神祕面紗肌膚修復軟化 ... | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
黑種草油 | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
Alepia 有機(埃及)黑種草籽油 | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
100%天然黑種草油100ml Nigella Sativa Oil } | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
【芳療】黑種草改善死亡之外的所有疾病 | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
神奇的黑種草油膏diy | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
黑種草籽的10種功效及副作用(7點使用禁忌要留意) | 食品添加物合法業者資訊網
【枯茗籽油 (孜然油)】食品添加物產品登錄碼:TFAB30000186979